Terms of service
isoline studios operates on the traditional territories of the Lekwungen, Esquimalt, & Songhees First Nations Peoples, who have been living here since time immemorial, and whose relationships with the land continue to this day. We are grateful to live and work on these lands and acknowledge with humility and openness what a privilege we have to be here in such a beautiful part of the world with such a complex history.
isoline studios is proud to be an inclusive Safe Space, welcoming to all who also welcome all—the LGBTQA+ community, all genders, orientations, abilities, spiritual/religious beliefs, ethnicities, and nationalities.
The programs we offer may not be a good fit for everyone. isoline studios reserves the right to work with those who will be the best fit for the program who possess the various resources (time, drive, effort, etc) needed to follow through and achieve results. Declining to work with an individual at the present time is of no reflection on or statement about a person’s intrinsic human value, good character, or current situation, and may be simply be based on scheduling availability or lack thereof. If financial concerns are the only thing holding you back, please reach out anyway. Financing options can be made available, although I prefer if you can pay in full up front. Refunds for services are not possible, although extensions on pre-paid services may be granted in extenuating circumstances.
Coaching is transformative personal development work, but is NOT therapy, nor is it art therapy. You may experience therapeutic effects from your art-making and your efforts towards personal development, but it is important to distinguish that I am not trained as a psychologist, psychotherapist, therapist of any kind, or counsellor, nor able to discuss deep personal trauma or mental health challenges in such a capacity. I am an advocate for normalizing therapy/counselling and/or medication, and I recommend seeing a healthcare professional for therapy/counselling and/or medication when necessary, particularly if your mental health challenges are affecting your ability to function at basic levels in your daily life.
Questions? Get in touch!
I took The Ethical Move’s pledge.
Ethics are a big part of my business practice. This means I’m going to be transparent and honest with you. I got tired of being emotionally manipulated and lied to by marketers of other programs, and therefore I promise not to do the same. More about The Ethical Move’s Pledge at their website.
Charm Prices:
We pledge to change our pricing from ‘charm prices’ ($297) to round numbers ($300).Countdowns:
We pledge to not use countdown timers to drive a sale.False Scarcity:
We pledge to be honest about availability.Lead Magnets:
We pledge to be transparent in our email list building.Bait & Switch:
We pledge to deliver the value we promise pitch-conscious.Woke Washing:
We pledge to not use social issues to leverage our marketing.Secret Recipe:
We pledge to not make false promises in our sales and marketing.